Trekabout Episode 106: The Host/The Mind’s Eye

Dr. Crusher finally gets another episode, “The Host”, but unfortunately it’s yet another female character-centered episode that’s basically about her fucking. Later, in “The Mind’s Eye”, Geordi’s virgin-streak continues, as his trip to Risa is canceled by Romulans.


Trekabout Episode 105: The Drumhead/Half a Life

After a disappointing couple of weeks, The Next Generation roars back this week. “The Drumhead” is a potent mix of interpersonal drama and social commentary, whereas “Half a Life” is a quiet meditation on growing older and the morality of assisted suicide, featuring Lwaxana Troi. Wait, what?


Trekabout Episode 104: The Nth Degree/Qpid

Hey, look everyone! It’s Barclay! He was so beloved in his first appearance that they brought him back for “The Nth Degree”! Aren’t we all excited? Oh, it must be reunion week on Trekabout, because Q is back too! And “Qpid” is such a delight! Seriously, we’re just tired. Why are you doing this to us. Haven’t we been good to you, The Next Generation? Also! Eric has a controversial opinion about a beloved Worf catchphrase.


Trekabout Episode 103: Night Terrors/Identity Crisis

You blinked!

Trekabout is almost at the end of The Next Generation’s fourth season, and unfortunately, we’ve hit a wall this week, with “Night Terrors” and “Identity Crisis”. While neither episode is terrible, they’re both suspiciously sloppy. Plus! Eric is worried about Brannon Braga.


Trekabout Episode 102: First Contact/Galaxy’s Child

It’s been a while since The Next Generation has given us a quietly earnest story about the difficulties in understanding, and “First Contact” delivers. In “Galaxy’s Child”, however, no one is understanding anyone else, and an alien can’t deliver.


Trekabout Episode 101: Devil’s Due/Clues

In this week’s exciting episode of Trekabout, we cover The Original Series episode “Devil’s Due”, in which Kirk and company have to save a planet from… wait a second, this is The Next Generation? Later, in “Clues”, the entire crew of the USS Enterprise becomes convinced that Data is a sociopath.


Trekabout Episode 100: Data’s Day/The Wounded

Trekabout boldly goes where, well, a lot of podcasts have gone before, by reaching its 100th episode! But Eric Brasure and Richard Goodness keep the celebrations to a minimum, as Richard is very excited to discuss “Data’s Day” and Eric is very excited to discuss “The Wounded”. Plus! They’re trying to make O’Brien happen. Will they succeed?


Trekabout Episode 99: Final Mission/The Loss

There are a couple of TNG characters disliked by most people. One of them, Wesley Crusher, gets a fitting send-off in “Final Mission”, as it’s annoying and wears out it welcome pretty quickly. The other character, Counselor Troi, gets a not-so-fitting character episode with “The Loss”, which continues her characterization as a irrational shrew. It’s too bad Marina Sirtis didn’t get less to do in TNG, because then, people might actually like her.


Trekabout Episode 98: Reunion/Future Imperfect

The fourth season of TNG finally gets its required Klingon episode, “Reunion” it’s very much a direct follow-up to “Sins of the Father”, and Richard Goodness is extremely excited. Later, in “Future Imperfect”, Riker learns that getting everything you want is something not all it’s cracked up to be. Also! Seriously, Richard. Enough about Tuvok already.


Trekabout Episode 97: Remember Me/Legacy

Doctor Crusher learns how it feels to be abandoned by everyone she cares about, in “Remember Me”, and Tasha Yar’s sister learns how it feels to be reminded that her sister abandoned her, in “Legacy”. Is it just us, or is TNG getting kind of… depressing?